Police Officer Tales

Real Life Tales From Police Officers. Explore crazy and incredible police officer stories.

POLICE OFFICERS: Share your unbelievable police officer experiences. For confidentiality reasons, you do not need to include your name or email. Any real life tale about your on the job police officer experience can be shared here. You can be as detailed or as general as you want. This space is geared towards a mature audience.

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Internet Story
3 years ago

Man reported recently that his wife had gone missing 18 months ago.

Internet Story
3 years ago

Deputy responded to a report of a vehicle stopping at mail boxes. It was the mailman.

Internet Story
3 years ago

A 38 year old man reported that his home was invaded. The man said that he was sitting home alone masturbating and watching a pornographic movie when a man came down into the basement, holding a gun, and started to videotape him. The man said that before he left, the intruder fed his dog some mushrooms and the dog died.

Internet Story
3 years ago

Man reported that a squirrel was running in circles on the street and was not sure if it was sick or had been hit by a car. An officer responded and as he drove on the street, he ran over the squirrel.

Internet Story
3 years ago

Caller reported that someone was on a porch yelling “help” from a residence. Officers responded and learned the person was calling a cat that is named “Help.”

Internet Story
3 years ago

Missing Bacon

Resident told police last week that someone had entered his home during the night and taken five pounds of bacon from the refrigerator. Upon further investigation, police discovered his wife had gotten up for a late night snack, but was afraid to admit it.

Internet Story
3 years ago

Police receive a report of newborn infant found in a Walmart trash can. Upon investigation, officers discover it was only a burrito.

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